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Writer's pictureLaura Rodríguez

Mentions of key political players in 2022

Updated: Oct 8, 2023

This year, 2022, has brought many changes to the international agenda, not only in the economic aspect, but also in the energy and political fields. In January 2022, there were demonstrations in Kazakhstan. However, the cruel and unjustified Russian invasion in Ukraine has changed everything. Along with it, protests in Iran and other events. This 2022, has also marked changes in this blog, for example, we managed to beat the goal of more than 100 followers on LinkedIn.

In this post, there will be 3 mentions (all with equal weight) to 3 actors in my opinion key during this year 2022. Let's get started!

1- Iranian people

Iran is one of the largest, but at the same time most enigmatic states. However, after the unjustified death of young Mahsa Amini, the vast majority of Iranian society took to the streets in protest not only for the death of this young woman and in defiance of the dress codes of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In addition, these peaceful protests demand a change of political model in Iran.

Despite the strong repression by the authorities of the ayatollahs' regime, the Iranian society has not ceased to continue demonstrating and these protests could trigger a new revolution with the adoption of a new political system. For this feat, this is my first mention. In the following article, we discuss why and the impact of these protests. Link:

2- Ukrainian people

One of the events that have marked this year 2022 was possibly the unjustified Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. In the first hours of the invasion, an elite Russian paratrooper unit captured Hostomel airport, just 10 km northwest of the Ukrainian capital.

In the early days of this invasion, few people bet on this state. However, after almost a year of this war, the tables have turned and one of the key aspects has been the tenacity and resilience of the Ukrainian people. These people have amazed the world and themselves, resisting Russia's total military assault where millions of people joined in taking up arms, working as volunteers, among other roles, making the Russian invasion of Ukraine a resounding failure and putting Moscow more and more on the ropes. For this reason, my second mention goes to this society. In the following article, the impact of sanctions on Russia is mentioned. Link:

3- Mateusz Morawiecki

This third and final mention goes to the Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki. In recent years, Poland and the European Union (EU) authorities have been at loggerheads on a number of issues. However, from the very beginning Warsaw has played a key role in the ongoing war in Ukraine. Morawiecki has managed to defuse tensions with EU dignitaries and to be a key player in the EU's response during this conflict.

From the first moment of the war, I would like to mention the Polish people for their tremendous support, help and solidarity with the millions of Ukrainian refugees who fled during the first months of the war.

After this mention, Morawiecki has not only supported Ukraine in the form of armaments and economic aid to Ukraine. Moraiwiecki has also succeeded in getting his European partners to adopt a tougher and more critical stance against Russia, and for the EU states to cut their energy ties, above all, to oil and gas from Russia. In addition, Warsaw has become a key point for the EU, the US and NATO in 2022 and beyond. Therefore, after these achievements, this is my third mention. In the following article, the change in the Polish economy is discussed. Link:

These are the three most relevant mentions. There are also other key players to highlight such as, for example, the Biden administration (in foreign policy). Despite the mismanagement and chaos in Afghanistan, the US has been able to turn the tide. With the Ukraine war, the EU was able to cut its energy ties with Russia, an unprecedented increase in defense budgets (2%) in EU states and solidify forums and alliances in a vital region for Washington, Asia-Pacific.

With that, it only remains for me to wish you a 2023, which will come loaded with new surprises, articles and all this work is impossible without you. thank you very much!

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